Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 5 activity

Question no. 1
What is the mandate of the department of foreign affairs in terms of being the principal arm to implement foreign policy? What other institutions help or assist the Department of Foreign Affairs in realizing Foreign Policy?
- Department of Foreign Affairs is the prime agency of government responsible for the pursuit of the State's foreign policy and the nerve center for a Foreign Service worthy of the trust and pride of every Filipino. The DFA implement foreign policy with the highest standards of professionalism and commitment. They aim to pursue bilateral, regional and multilateral relations to advance the interest of the Philippines and the Filipinos. DFA build partnerships with national security and development agencies, think-tanks and the academe, the private sector, the media and civil society in the interest of the nation and the people.
- The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) advises and assists the President in planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, integrating, and evaluating the total national effort in the field of foreign relations in pursuit of its Constitutional mandate.

- The Foreign Service Institute or (FSI) serves as the center for the development and professionalization of the career foreign serious operations.

- The technical cooperation council of the Philippines (TCCP) acts as the national focal point for technical cooperation among developing (TCDC) and as such implements a technical; cooperation program in favor of the developing and least develop countries, coordinates related projects and activities implemented by government and non- government organizations, and undertakes research on the technical assistance requirements of the DC’s and the LDCs.

- The UNESCO ideals, programs and activities aimed in creating a society where each individual can live and or in dignity and participate fully in the country’s development. In the changes of global context the DFA maybe gut modeled in response to this the rise of NGOs in the international decision making has resulted in a network of consultative functions with larger and more critical global implications.

- WTO has internalized interest of highly developed state into country’s economic life, it has reshape the Philippine society in terms of migrant workers and its protection, imposed conditions of multilateral organizations, rules of trade and legal agreements.

Question no. 2
Enumerate the Eight Foreign Policy Realities of former President Arroyo or each reality find 2-3 related news articles and then make an analysis as to what extent did the Arroyo administration work to implement the said realities.

1. China, Japan and The United States and their relationship will be a determining influence in the security situation and economic evolution of east Asia

Article no. 1
Asia and the United States: The Challenges Ahead
By Robert A. Scalaring

Considers how the USA should (1) best encourage evolution towards democracy in Asia's socialist states, covering China after the Tienanmen Square demonstrations, North Korea's improving dialogue with South Korea, and Vietnam's withdrawal from Cambodia (2) resolve its trade policy differences with Japan, before issues become "thrust into the heat of the domestic political arena".

Article no. 2
China and Japan's Simmering Rivalry
By Kent E. Calder
March/ April 2006

Although Japan and China have close economic ties, their diplomatic relations have been strained by clashing interests and cultural friction. The United States has an important role to play in promoting cooperation between Tokyo and Beijing and helping them adjust to a new phase in East Asia's history.

2. Philippine foreign policy decisions have to be made in the context Of ASEAN
Article no. 1
Philippines: Ratify ASEAN Charter, says CHR
The Philippines, particularly the Senate, should join the seven other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and ratify the regional bloc's charter, the Commission on Human Rights said. (ASIA PACIFIC FORUM)
Article no. 2
Filipino Community Attests to People-Centered Philippine Foreign Policy
"The Department of Foreign Affairs as a member of the Philippine Working Group has always been very supportive, and has carried this advocacy forward. The Philippines has strived to be the most progressive of vanguards when it comes to human rights in ASEAN and has sought to keep its foreign policy decisions in line with ASEAN's vision of a truly people-oriented community,

3. The International Islamic Community will continue to be important for the Philippines
Article no.1
Moro Islamic Liberation Front
The MILF is the vanguard of the Islamic movement in the Bangsamoro homeland in Mindanao and the neighbouring islands. Islam in the Philippines has absorbed indigenous elements, much as has Catholicism. Moros thus make offerings to spirits (diwatas), malevolent or benign, believing that such spirits can and will have an effect on one's health, family, and crops.
Article no. 2
Filipino Community Attests to People-Centered Philippine Foreign

2 Jun 2010 ... "The Department of Foreign Affairs as a member of the Philippine Working ... greater partnership with the international Islamic community.
4. The coming years will see the growing importance of multilateral and inter-regional organizations to promote common interest.

4. The coming years will see the growing importance of multilateral and inter-regional organizations to promote common interests;
5. As an archipelagic state, the defense of the nation's sovereignty and the protection of its environment and natural resources can be carried out only to the extent that it asserts its rights over the maritime territory and gets others to respect those rights;
Article no. 1
Hundreds of dolphins invade Bataan shores

By Katherine Adraneda
(The Philippine Star) Updated February 11, 2009 12:00 AM

MANILA, Philippines - Three of the more than 300 melon-headed dolphins that “invaded” the waters off Pilar town in Bataan early yesterday have drowned. Locals believe they were trapped in fishing nets near the coast.
6. The country's economic policy will continue to be friendly to both domestic and foreign direct investments;
Economy expands 7.3% in 1st quarter
By Iris C. Gonzales
(Th MANILA, Philippines - The economy expanded by 7.3 percent in the first quarter of the year, the highest quarterly growth recorded since the 8.3 percent-expansion registered in the second quarter of 2007 on the back of sustained dollar.
remittances from overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), election-related spending and a general improvement in the global environment, the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) reported yesterday.

Article no. 2
FACTBOX-Philippine policymakers' comments on economy, policy
2010-06-03 02:56 (UTC)

MANILA, June 3 (Reuters) - The Philippine central bank is expected to hold interest rates steady at a record low of 4 percent on Thursday as it waits to assess the impact of Europe's sovereign debt problems on the global economy.
Following are comments by senior Philippine policymakers since the last central bank meeting on April 22. The central bank will announce the policy review around 0800 GMT.

7. The Philippines can benefit most quickly from international tourism
Article no. 1
Cebu Pacific now the Philippines’ largest airline
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Cebu Pacific (CEB) is now the Philippines’ largest airline by total number of passengers flown on domestic and international routes. Based on Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) data, CEB flew 2,448,990 domestic and international passengers from January to March this year, almost 110,000 more than Philippine Airlines’ system-wide figures of 2,339,788. CEB claimed the No. 1 domestic carrier last year when it captured 50% of the domestic market share. It remains the number one carrier in 2010, with 51% market share. It started operations only in 1996.
Source : http://www.traveldailynews.com/pages/show_page/37395-Cebu-Pacific-now-the-Philippines%E2%80%99-largest-airline-
Article no. 2
Medical Tourism to play significant role in recovery of Asian economies
Friday, April 23, 2010

Asian economies are expected to fully recover from effects of the global recession, with the medical tourism and retirement sectors touted as sunrise industries that will propel the economic growth of the region. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) earlier said that developing Asia's GDP would grow by 7.5% this year, a big leap from 5.2% in 2009. The projected growth rate is higher than those of other parts in the world.

8. Overseas Filipinos will continue to be recognized for their critical role in the country's economic and social stability.
Article no. 1
Filipino Au Pairs needed in Switzerland
May 23, 2010
Switzerland, a country with stable, modern and one of the most capitalist economies in the world and one of Europe’s wealthiest country is in need of Filipino Au Pairs to look after the children of Swiss employer as well as provide light housekeeping.
Article no. 2
Tax-Free Privilege Granted To OFWs
Apr 26, 2010
Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) are now exempted from paying taxes such as documentary stamp tax (DST) on their remittances, travel tax and airport fee. Migrant workers now enjoy this tax-free privilege because it is included in the revised Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act.

Question no. 3
With the assistance of different bureaus as well as interest groups, it is the President than drafts state policies. What do you think will be included in President Noynoy Aquino’s foreign Policy list now that he has assumed the Presidency? Identify 5 issues and find news clippings (1 for each issue) to support your answer

A Commitment to Transformational Leadership:
1. From a President who tolerates corruption to a President who is the nation’s first and most determined fighter of corruption.
2. From a government that merely conjures economic growth statistics that our people know to be unreal to a government that prioritizes jobs that empower the people and provide them with opportunities to rise above poverty.
3. From relegating education to just one of many concerns to making education the central strategy for investing in our people, reducing poverty and building national competitiveness.
4. From treating health as just another area for political patronage to recognizing the advancement and protection of public health, which includes responsible parenthood, as key measures of good governance.
5. From justice that money and connections can buy to a truly impartial system of institutions that deliver equal justice to rich or poor.
Economy : To recognizing farms and rural enterprises as vital to achieving food security and more equitable economic growth, worthy of re-investment for sustained productivity. To well-considered programs that build capacity and create opportunity among the poor and the marginalized in the country. To a government that creates conditions conducive to the growth and competitiveness of private businesses, big, medium and small. To a government that creates jobs at home, so that working abroad will be a choice rather than a necessity; and when its citizens do choose to become OFWs, their welfare and protection will still be the government’s priority.
Government Service : To discerning selection based on integrity, competence and performance in serving the public good. To professional, motivated and energized bureaucracies with adequate means to perform their public service missions.
Gender Equality : From a lack of concern for gender disparities and shortfalls, to the promotion of equal gender opportunity in all spheres of public policies and programs.
Peace & Order: to seeks a broadly supported just peace and will redress decades of neglect of the Moro and other peoples of Mindanao.
Environment : to planning alternative, inclusive urban developments where people of varying income levels are integrated in productive, healthy and safe communities.. To a government that will encourage sustainable use of resources to benefit the present and future generations.

Question no. 4
How significant is the association of ASEAN in the Philippine Foreign Policy?
- The nation is currently actively engaging with regional neighbors in Southeast Asia through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (as a founding member) with the intention of strengthening regional harmony, stability, and prosperity. It has been a supporter of East Timor since the latter's independence and has expanded trade links with its traditional allies Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. Relations with Vietnam and Cambodia have thawed in the 1990s after their entry into the ASEAN. Philippine foreign policy is based on the advancement of Filipino ideals and values, among which include the advancement of democracy and advocacy for human rights worldwide.
Source :
- http://www.traveldailynews.com/pages/show_page/36655--Medical-Tourism-to-play-significant-role-in-recovery-of-Asian-economies-
- www.dfa.gov.ph
- Philippine Star

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