Saturday, July 31, 2010

State of the Nation Address

July 26, 2010

Since today was the first SONA or State Of The Nation Address of our newly elected President Benigno Aquino III. We all assumed that this would be our topic since we expected that the SONA will cover some of the new Foreign Policy of the Aquino Administration.

PNOY’s expose that Gloria Arroyo administration abused the national budget and used a good portion of it in electioneering. That MWSS were a bunch of crocodiles. That DPWH arbitrarily changed, diverted and wasted government projects. That utility management like electric was based on politics. That MRT was badly managed. That NFA was a cover for an unbelievable corruption. And so on.

I was shocked knowing that Philippines is one of the most unfriendly country regarding Foreign Investment for the very reason that, Philippines is not stable on its Political Policies. We had a group work regarding the SONA. We were ask to analyze the problems and solutions that were presented by our newly elected president. And choose at least one problem and solution and explain it. Our group chooses the countries problem regarding investment, the proposed solution that we considered was the PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP wherein it was said that we will not spend even a single peso from willing foreign investors to invest in our country like for some who wants to build an expressway from Manila to Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, Nueva Viscaya until Cagayan Valley. If this solution would be use our infrastructure would be developed that would create more job opportunities to Filipino Nationals.

To sum it up, the Aquino Administration might be pre- occupied in the next 6 years and be failed to address the present problems that the Philippines might face. But on the other hand the State of the Nation Address of PNOY was good since he uses the past as his basis on creating programs or laws. Since history helps to create good and effective policy.

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